Atlanta’s Herban Apotheke

January 25, 2015

Atlanta’s Herban Apotheke

You don’t have to live on a pristine mountainside or disappear into the wilderness to be an herbalist and have a meaningful relationship with your local plant medicine.  In our megapolis, we are surrounded by plantain and dandelion growing through cracks in the sidewalk, mimosa trees sprouting in abandoned lots, and honeysuckle and kudzu clambering up telephone poles!  Take a look around.  Discover what’s growing in your yard ?  Who are your green neighbors?

Check out our Forage page at the Herbalista website and see our month-by-month photo gallery and guide to the medicinals growing all around us in Atlanta.  You’ll be surprised by our medicinal abundance.

Never ingest anything you have not positively identified.  For practice with proper plant identification join us on guided plant walks throughout the season or use a reliable field guide such as, Identifying and Harvesting Edible and Medicinal Plants by “Wildman” Steve Brill. Please harvest responsibly and review Wildcrafting for Beginners by Howie Brounstein who reminds us, “Wildcrafting is stewardship.”