2016 Herbalista Service Report

2016 Service Report
Building Community Through Herbalism!
This past year Herbalista continued our mission of building community through herbalism by offering clinical support and educational opportunities. We expanded our reach, offering care not only in Atlanta, but around the country and the world.
Our mobile clinics facilitated a total of 38 clinics and 10 health fairs in 2016. We worked with hundreds of folks, providing holistic care to those who need it most.
List of Clinics:
16 Herb Cart Clinics
- Woodruff Park (5)
- The Open Door Community (1)
- The Big House on Ponce (10)
17 Herb Bus Clinics
- The Big House on Ponce (10)
- The Open Door Community (7)
5 First Aid Stations
- The Southeast Women’s Herbal Conference First Aid Station
- The “Jungle” Refugee Camp in Calais, France (2 trips)
- Herbal First Aid Station at Standing Rock, South Dakota
- The Home Sweet Home Foot Care and Wellness Station in Dublin, Ireland
10 Community Health Fairs
- The Big House on Ponce (10)
The Herbalista Health Network continued to provide educational programming and facilitated 3 Plant Rambles, 3 Grow a Row Workshops, 5 Pay-It-Forward Medicine Making Workshops, 10 educational series at the Herbalista Community Health Fairs, and 2 Herb Cart Weekend Trainings.
Herbalista began to offer services abroad with Lorna traveling to Europe to both teach and serve. In the summer of 2016, Lorna spent two months in Ireland, England, and France.
She taught the Herbalista model of community health care at both the HerbFeast Conference in Ireland and the Radical Herbalism Gathering in England.
Lorna also made 2 trips to the “Jungle” Refugee Camp in Calais, France, offering holistic foot care at an integrative First Aid Station in the heart of the camp.
Back in the States, Herbalista again facilitated the First Aid Station at the Southeast Women’s Herbal Conference. This gathering is the largest herbal conference in the United States, with over 1200 women and children in attendance. Our first aid station is an integrative clinic, staffed by both herbalists and EMT’s.
In November of 2016, The Herb Bus drove out to the Standing Rock Reservation to offer relief work at the Oceti Sakowin Herbal First Aid Station. Due to religious and social observances, they had a strong no alcohol policy and we were able to bring lots of non-alcoholic remedies, such as glycerites, capsules, and vinegar extracts to share at the clinic.
In December, Lorna traveled back to Europe to continue assisting in the development of community herbal programming.
She taught an foot care workshop in London to the Herbalists without Borders UK Chapter.
We also began planting the seeds for a new community initiative in Dublin. On December 18th, we staged HerbShare Dublin: a Pay-It-Forward Medicine Making Workshop to prepare supportive remedies to distribute to the Homeless in Dublin to help them get through the winter months.
The night before our workshop, a campaign called “Home Sweet Home” to end homelessness was initiated by local housing activists and artists. They set up a new shelter in the Apollo House to provide a safe place for those who had been sleeping rough on the streets for the holiday season. Lorna helped form the wellness committee which established rotating practitioners offering massage, physical therapy, herbal support, and foot care for both residents and volunteer staff. We were able to distribute much of our medicine via the Home Sweet Home Campaign!
We felt so fortunate for all of the inspiring people we met along our journey this past year! Here are a few of the great folks who dedicate their lives to building a more compassionate and caring world!
Thanks to all of our supporters, sponsors, and volunteers who make this work possible!
We look forward to building a healthier future together!
~The Herbalista Crew