A Remedy for Sevananda
Sunday, June 30, 2013

As far back as I can remember, there was always a Sevananda. Early memories revolved around my sweet tooth of course– the delicious fruit popsicles we were rewarded with on our 2nd grade field trip from Mary Lin or the bitter disappointment of biting into carob candy when I thought my dad had bought me chocolate. But as I grew older, these memories began to reflect my search for healing. And I don’t just mean physical healing, but emotional support as well. Sevananda became my resource not only for immune boosting teas but also for oils that could mend devastating heartache.

And now my heart is aching FOR Sevananda. The past year or so she has festered in finger pointing and blame shifting, and no matter who did what, the end result is the same– Sevananda is struggling to fulfill her life’s mission, her very reason for being. Sevananda has been wounded, is not able to serve her community as best she can, and we all must assume responsibility for her suffering and take steps to heal her. If we don’t, how will she be able to support us in our time of need?

My columns are written a couple of months in advance of print time, so hopefully by then, this column will sound out of date, as we will have already compounded and poured her a healthy dose of just the right healing blend. What would the formula consist of? My guess is we would begin with a base of immune boosters (1), strengthening her innate knowledge of her original purpose, reminding her of who she is (one who takes joy in serving others) so she can defend her existence from infectious egomania and self righteousness which places personalities above community; add to that lymphatics (2) and hepatics (3) to stimulate communication and eliminate the waste products and lingering residue of past wrongs; vulneraries (4) to soothe and knit the torn tissues of members, workers, board, and committees back together; nervines (5) to calm the agitation of conflict and ease the pain of betrayal; and lastly, carminatives (6) to harmonize the remedy, making it more palatable and better absorbed.

If sadly, this column is not out of date, and we are still mired in the infected abscess of obstinate leadership, disenfranchised membership, and voiceless employees, we must take a breath, and remember it’s not too late to mix and administer this healing remedy. It will take time and patience, as herbal remedies do when we treat chronic, long standing conditions, but Sevananda will respond to our care. Then we can toast her recovery with a splash of herbal exhilarants (7), reuniting joy with service as we look forward to many more wonderful (and tasty) memories.
(1) Immune Booster: Increases immune function (adaptive/innate) Examples: Echinacea, Astragulus, Reishi, Ginger, Elder, Yarrow.
(2) Lymphatic: Aids the lymphatic system, which is responsible for metabolic waste removal and immune function. Examples: Red Root, Red Clover, Cleavers, Violet Leaf.
(3) Hepatic: Tonifies the liver to assist it with detoxification, hormonal and other processes. Examples: Dandelion, Milk Thistle, Turmeric, Burdock.
(4) Vulnerary: Treats and heals wounds. Examples: Comfrey, Calendula, Arnica, Plantain.
(5)Nervine: Affects the nervous system (tonifies, relaxes, or stimulates.) Nervines to tonify and relax include Milky Oats, Skullcap, Valerian, and Damiana.
(6) Carminative: Stimulates digestion and is often used in blends to increase absorption of other herbs and palatability. Examples: Ginger, Fennel, Cinnamon, Cardamom.
(7) Exhilarant: Uplifts and enlivens the heart and mind. Examples: Cinnamon, Rose, Lemon Balm, Basil.