December Herbal Happenings

December 1, 2012

December Herbal Happenings

December Herbal Happenings
Saturday, December 1, 2012

As we move towards winter, I experience a mix of emotions. There is a tinge of sorrow and unease as the brightly colored leaves fall to the ground and we say goodbye to the bounty of summer. But woven into these unsettled feelings are glowing ribbons of absolute gratitude and joy, for as the world strips down to its bare bones and enters winter hibernation, it reveals what is truly important. At year’s end, we ask ourselves if we have stocked the pantries of our homes and our hearts to get us through the cold, dark days ahead. This is the chance to focus on WHAT WILL KEEP YOU WARM this winter. For myself, serving and celebrating with community kindles my fire. Last month, at our Holiday Herbcrafting Class, after brewing hawthorne-rose syrup and spiced pear brandy, mixing bath salts and mulling spice blends, we took time to craft lavender sachets and Winter Tulsi Chai (a warming and soothing tea blend) to send to the Third Root Community Health Center who is caring for Sandy survivors in New York City.

And after many years of caring for the homeless here, in Atlanta, and other under-served populations around the country, this herbalista would like to ask for your support on a new project–

decherb1THE HERB BUS
Traveling Botanical Free Clinic

The Herb Bus is a free, mobile clinic offering herbal care and comfort, including basic first aid. The Herb Bus is an attempt to fill the hole left by our current medical system and is dedicated to providing health care for under-served populations, including our city’s homeless.
Hitting the road January 2013.


If you would like to SUPPORT THE HERB BUS, please consider making a tax-deductible donation via the Baraka Foundation, a 501 (c)(3) organization. All donations go towards herbs and services and can be made via Paypal or by check.

Checks: Payable to the Baraka Foundation c/o Lorna Mauney-Brodek
PO Box 17967, Atlanta, GA 30316

Paypal: Please click here

Let’s build a strong and vibrant community through herbalism and a commitment to the health of our neighbors. For more thoughts on how you can give the gift of health this holiday season, please read my article in this month’s Sevananda Co-Options here.

Wishing you a wonderful holiday season!


For the full newsletter, click here.