Greetings from a snow-dusted Dublin
Greetings from a snow dusted Dublin. On this final day of 2020, I took a look back and came across some of my mid-pandemic musings. This one in particular seemed appropriate to share with you all. It was written as we struggled through a very difficult June, trying to maintain our Covid relief work while also offering street medic and jail support during the Atlanta protests.
So I started work on a new formula this morning.
One that would support our friends on the street through these desperate times. One that would build resilience, fortify the spirit, and nurture our grieving hearts.
Astragalus came to mind, followed quickly by Mimosa, Oats, and Rose. A touch of Elettaria perhaps? Mmmmm, perfect.
A. M. O. R. E. it will be called, after the ingredients that make up this blend. A name to summon Love herself into every bottle… oh sweet, strong and sustaining love!
And then the smile slowly spreading across my face as I dreamt of this all-healing elixir simply vanished, the rose-colored glasses slipped from my face, hit the kitchen floor and shattered into a million reality checks.
What herb can possibly drain the festering wounds of racism? Of poverty and misogyny? How could one tiny formula slow the plague of privatization that infects our society bone-fucking-deep?
How can a squirt of tincture replace the respect of your own government? Or the embrace of your neighbor?
How does one little herb clinic restore health sovereignty to a people?
Answer: It can’t.
Yep. That’s how I’m feeling right about now. Or some of the time at least.
But then there are other, softer moments in this bittersweet morning. Moments where the rain pattering on the roof and splashing through leaves feels like a cat purring; when watching the creek rise in the storm plays like the swelling of full orchestra.
I remembered the formula who had asked to be and so I began again. I blended and I sang, each herb in equal parts.
A quick taste and the plant chemistry vibrated along my tongue and spine. It was a welcome session, picking up where we left off, that never-ending conversation between person and plant. Always and forever.
The cardamom spoke to me both of quiet contentment and thrilling desire.
The complex contradictions of life, contained in a spice.
Life is a paradox we must hold in our hearts. We see love and neglect coexist– in our communities, in our relationships, in ourselves. We are capable of great despair alongside a rising hope.
Life is bitter. And sweet. And ours. x
We are so grateful for you, our beloved community, at the close of this most difficult year. We wish you well and hope this new year brings you sustenance, inspiration, and love– all in equal measure.
Herbally yours,
Lorna and the Herbalista Crew