Herbal Support for J-20 Defendants

January 2, 2018

Herbal Support for J-20 Defendants

Providing Herbal Support for J-20 Defendants

Though the first 6 defendants were cleared of all charges on December 21st, there are still many more cases coming up in the New Year. The Hawthorn Community Herb Collective is collecting herbal medicine and supplements for the defendants and their support teams. Please see below for a list of current requests and mailing information.

Herbalista chose to send our support in the form of aromatic inhalers, aka sniffers.  We have found sniffers to be an extremely effective way to provide emotional support.  They are easy to carry, convenient to use, and extremely affordable and easy to make.  You can order the blank inhalers from most any essential oil supplier these days.

We chose to send 3 different sets of sniffers:

Lavender Sniffers (Lavender essential oil) – grounding, promotes calm composure, soothes anxiety, allows for full expression, also helpful for headaches and insomnia

Olbas Sniffers (Blend of Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Cajuput, Wintergreen, Juniper, and Clove) – clearing, energizing, uplifting, also helpful for headaches and sinus congestion

Solidarity Sniffers (Blend of Jasmine, Clary Sage, Benzoin, Lemon, Rose, and Patchouli) – soothing, stabilizing, nourishing, revitalizing,  earthing, trust and solidarity

To make a sniffer, you simply place a cotton wick inside the tube, place 9 drops of essential oil inside, and snap closed.  Here’s a link to another post on sniffers if you want a bit more information.

Sniffers are useful tools when dealing with a range of feelings from grief to anxiety to addiction.  One of my favorite books that we often refer to when putting together our aromatic remedies is Aromatherapy for Healing the Spirit by Gabriel Mojay, a wonderful acupuncturist, aromatherapist, and teacher who travels over the pond from England to visit us here in Atlanta from time to time.

J-20 Herbal Support

“On January 20, 2017, thousands of people took to the streets in Washington DC to protest the inauguration of a racist, sexist lout. Of this number, 200 were corralled into an enclosed area and arrested. These 200 include people from all walks of life: teachers, photographers, journalists, medics. They now face felony charges for attending a protest and face up to 80 years in prison.

The first group of defendants are currently going to trial. The prosecution has already admitted that they have no evidence that these individuals committed any crime. They hope to secure convictions for anyone present at the protest, regardless of evidence of wrong doing.

Now remember that the current head of the “Department of Justice” is one Jeff Sessions. The man who sought criminal convictions for civil rights activists. Who was denied a judgeship due to his history of racist comments. This man and his department are attempting to set a precedent to criminalize dissent. This is an important move towards authoritarian control. Pay attention. Go to http://defendj20resistance.org/ for updates and to lend support.

For herbalists and medicine makers, there is more you can do. The Hawthorn Community Herb Collective is collecting herbal medicine and supplements for the defendents and their support teams. As you can imagine, the defendents are extremely stressed , sleep deprived and traumatized. If you are interested in donating supplies, message me and I’ll send you a list of needs.” – Janet Kent, November 22, 2017

Current Herbal Requests

Relaxing Nervines: either tincture and/or tea
Sleep support: tincture and/or tea
Bulk aromatic herbs for sachets: rose, mint, chamomile, Lavender, lemon verbena, etc.
Calming adaptogens. Tea or tincture.
Herbs for focus, clarity. Tea or tincture.
Flower essences for protection, grounding, fear.

Please label whatever you send!

Ship to:

Terra Sylva School

115 Blannahassett Island
Room #209
Marshall, NC 28753

The prosecution of these protesters has far reaching implications.  These prosecutions are unconstitutional and we are encouraged that the first 6 protesters were found not guilty.  We stand in solidarity with the the J-20 Defendants and our right to assemble and to voice dissent!

~The Herbalista Crew