July Herbal Happenings

July 1, 2012

July Herbal Happenings

July Herbal Happenings
Sunday, July 1, 2012

Well, they don’t call it Hotlanta for nothing! This herbalista is not ashamed to say she is getting the heck out of Dodge, happily retreating to the woods to work at the Rainbow Gathering’s First Aid Station in the beautiful Cherokee National Forest in Tennessee. Preparing my gear for this new adventure has been a facinating exercise as I balance pragmatism and desire– the desire to offer all that I can to this community and the practical realities of what my back can carry as I hike the supplies into the forest. I also enjoyed crafting a new kit (padded and strong) to hold my tinctures safely for their journey.
This will be a first, providing medic care to a large community (over 10 thousand folks attend Rainbow) without running water or electricity. But I’ll be learning from the best, happy to get the chance to learn from 7Song and CoreyPine, herbalists who have been providing sound, holistic care at Rainbow for many years.
And special thanks the many who donated medical supplies for the Gathering, in particular The Open Door Community for their constant promotion of healthcare for all.

For the full newsletter, click here.