June Happenings

As we move into summer, the season of love and action, I felt it was important to celebrate hope. And honestly, it took a while for me to figure out how I would share that feeling, how I could help generate optimism in a time many of us feel deep despair. How do we move forward with positivity when so many people are hurting, wars are raging, when the social contract feels broken and the world is brimming with microplastics?
Floundering as I was, with a massive case of writer’s block, I went out looking for inspiration and walked my favorite paths through town, along the hidden alleyways of Dublin. And as I gazed upon the nettles escaping industrial fences and at honeysuckle vines peering over high stone walls, I remembered that it’s always been the plants that give me hope in these desperate times.

I thought of the many photos I’ve taken over the years and how I’ve always been drawn to these moments that show plants triumphing against all odds, such as the mallow glowing against a backdrop of neglect

or the evening primrose’s yellow-blossomed defiance of towering, grey-steeled technology.

There’s an optimism in these framings and they remind us that the plants always find a way to bloom and to live their purpose, no matter the circumstance. And if the plants can do it, why not us? Are we not also children of nature, equipped with miraculous gifts?

So when you see that cleavers clinging to the side of a wall or geraniums erupting out of cracks in the concrete, let it be a sweet reminder of our own resilience. And in this summer season, may our winter dreams and spring impulses step into the light and flourish in the sun.
We hope you can join us at this month’s bouquet of happenings. For those further afield, we’ve also shared a basketful of summer resources to help you create herbal happenings in your neck of the woods.
Herbally yours,