Passing the ATL Mortar and Pestle

November 11, 2021
Herb Bus

Passing the ATL Mortar and Pestle

Dear Friends and Community,

After an incredible nine-year ride, delivering herbal medicine to the Atlanta streets, Herbalista has reached a crossroads. From the earliest days of the Herb Bus, the vision was two fold — not only was I looking to create a project that could deliver free quality herbcare to those who needed it most, but I was hoping to build real community herbal infrastructure right alongside it:  infrastructure that would last long after the Herb Bus did.  And built it we have.

Together we rambled, discovering our wild neighbors and learning about the great green apothecary that grew all around us.

Together we made batches of sweet, sweet herbal medicine,crafting the remedies with which we helped our neighbors.

Together we built the Grow a Row Program, encouraging folks to invest in Atlanta’s herban-agriculture.

Together we created Health Fairs, the Herb Cart ProgramHerbCare Stations, and even a Fire Cider Brigade.Together we built community… through herbalism.

And so it is with immense pride and a full heart that I announce the passing of my Atlanta mortar and pestle to longtime members of the Herbalista crew.  They will take the wheel of the Atlanta programming and through new projects of their own, continue this vital work.

Atlanta I am so grateful for all you have taught me and for how you shaped Herbalista into what it has become.  And as my work with Herbalista continues, online, on the road, and with the Dublin Herb Bike, you will always be home.  

All of Herbalista’s Atlanta services are continuing uninterrupted through the end of the year.  There is still much planning and visioning to be done this winter and I look forward to sharing more as these new projects and collaborations take shape.

Thank you all for your support and for your belief in this little bus that could. 

Herbally yours,

The Herb Bus silhoutted at dusk by a lake with some late evening colors.