Healing through the Seasons
Living in harmony with the seasons is one of the most important ways we can support our health.
Humans are a part of the greater ecosystem. And although we have fairly witty brains and are capable of convincing ourselves we can live however we want, it is hard to deny millions of years of planetary evolution and the ways that our bodies and physiology is designed to work.
When it is hot we need to support the cardiovascular system and cool our bodies. When it is cold and dark in the winter, we need to boost our immune systems, uplift our spirits and warm our little fingers and toes. The easiest way to give that all around seasonal support is in our kitchens. Here are some lovely tonic blends and recipes to support your health – seasonally!

Seasonal Remedies
Our online Toolkit is filled with the tools to help folks do herbwork in their community. From templates to recipes, how-to videos to packing lists — we got you covered. Available to Sustaining Members, we hope the Herbalista Toolkit helps you on your herbal journey, just as your support helps us on ours.