Herb Cart

Atlanta Herb Cart

Launched in 2015, we created the Herb Cart to provide free, herbal care to communities in need, serving at a variety of locations, such as city parks, soup kitchens, and community centers.  It was a simplified, stripped down version of the Herb Bus (a larger mobile clinic)

The Herb Cart was also created to be a Training Program, serving as a unique learning opportunity for emerging herbalists.  We worked to provide a safe and supportive vessel for folks to expand their clinical potential while serving our community high-quality herbs.  As with all of our projects, we aim to free our work from the confines of clinical + retail walls to bring herbalism out of the shadows and directly into the hands of the people.

The Herbalista Herb Cart offered pop-up clinics and herbal care at a variety of locations around Atlanta for 7 years.  We served alongside a variety of partners such as Food not Bombs, the Open Door CommunityMercy Community ChurchSouth Bend Commons and Atlanta Resistance Medics.

Three crew members are working at the Herb Cart, pouring medicines and looking through the kits.

In 2022, after 7 years of service training over 50 herbalists and sharing gallons of herbal medicine on the Atlanta streets, our sweet lil’  Cart moved to join the Fleur + Forage Free Clinic. The Cart continued providing free herbal care and comfort under their stewardship for two years.

And now, as of the Autumn of 2024, the Herb Cart has embarked on yet another adventure as a as a Community Herb Cart. Members of the crew who have trained with the Herb Cart over the years will be able to check out the Cart to use to facilitate their own pop-up clinics and community projects. Sharing the means of production is what it is all about. More info on our Community Herb Cart coming soon.

Viva la Herb Cart!

The Herb Cart Model

We hope that our experience with the Herb Cart can serve as an example of what a community can do when it comes together in love of the people and the herbs.  We have created lots of resources, documenting our work with the Cart and hope to show you just how exciting and fulfilling this work can be.

Here you will find copies of a couple of our Herb Cart Manuals from over the years, complete with examples of our packing lists, clinical and dispensary forms, and loads of protocols. We also share how we ran our Training Program for the Crew.

As you tab through the resources on this page, we hope you find the support your need to help you create a mobile herb clinic of your own.

Herb Cart Service Manuals

A Guide to Starting a Mobile Herb Clinic

The Herb Cart Manual is a guide to our clinical services and is used as the training curriculum for the Herb Cart Crew.  It has grown and changed over the years, reflecting our changing services as we learn and grow, responding to needs of our patients, crew and community.

Here are two different editions of the manual. One is the most recent (made in 2021) that reflected a major shift in our services during covid. This manual contains over 65 pages of information regarding how we set-up and service; how we stock the cart; examples of forms we use to track patient care and herbal inventory; basic first aid reference material; and oh-so-much-more. We’ve also added several new sections on legalities, money matters, and all that jazz. 

We also are sharing our earlier 2020 edition which has information about custom compounding which was our standard practice pre-covid. The newer 2021 edition is based on pre-formulated compounds. Both have their benefits and drawbacks and depending on your own situation you might choose one or the other.

Herb Cart Service Manual 2021 Edition


Herb Cart Service Manual 2020


Herb Cart Crash Course

Herb Cart Crash Course Video

In 2022 we ran a 2 1/2 hour free school course on the Herb Cart. Squeezing our Herb Cart Training into just a few hours was a challenge, but we hope that it helps folks get a feel for the program.

The video also has chapter markings to allow you to navigate the material as desired.

Please use our 2021 Herb Cart Service Manual to follow along.

Herb Cart Service manual 2021 Edition


Joining the Crew

The Herb Cart Program is no longer running as a clinical training pop-up mobile clinic. But we wanted to show you the process we used to follow when staffing the Cart in case it it helpful to other folks creating community projects of their own.

The Steps

  • Read through the Program Requirements as described below.
  • Download, complete and submit the application for the next Herb Cart Training (you can find an example of what our application looked like here).
  • Complete the weekend Herb Cart Training at Herbalista HQ.
  • Fulfill all other Herb Cart Program Requirements as described below.

Once you had completed the process, we welcomed folks to sign-up and serve at the various pop-up clinics we scheduled throughout the year.  In the initial sessions with us, new crew members would mainly observe and assist the more experienced Herb Carters, taking on more and more responsibility as they felt comfortable.

Herb Cart Program Requirements

Before Training with us

  • Have a solid foundation in herbal medicine – acquired through either program study, apprenticeship, or rigorous self-study.
  • We use a broad range of remedies on the Cart. Please see the Herb Cart Service Manual on the Resources page to see an example of the herbal Materia Medica we utilize.  You must be familiar with this range of herbs and their safety requirements.
  • CPR and First Aid Certified within the last 2 years. This can be through any number of organizations, such as the Red Cross, American Heart Association, etc. This must be completed prior to attending an Herb Cart Weekend Training Session.
  • Preferably, it is recommended one also attend a Wilderness First Aid or Wilderness First Responder course like those offered by Landmark Learning and NOLS.

The Training

  • Attend an Herb Cart Weekend Training Session (Herbal First Aid, Herb Cart Protocol, etc.) Each training session is limited to between 6 and 8 participants. See example training application below.

Additional Requirements

  • Volunteer at the Harriet Tubman Foot Care Clinic for at least two sessions to learn more about clinical safety and sanitation.
  • Demonstrate dedication to learning about and practicing anti-oppressive healthcare.  Applicants will be provided with a list of videos and reading assignments to complete before our training weekend.
  • Demonstrate herbal competence, compassion & pragmatism as a health worker. Please note, participation in the program is at the discretion of the Herbalista Crew.
  • To maintain active volunteer status you must demonstrate a continued commitment to your craft and community healthcare.

Herb Cart Training Application (Example Form)


Herb Cart Trainings

We held trainings one to two times a year, with between 6 and 8 herbalists per training.  Over the years we trained 9 crews with over 50 herbalists participating in the Program.  Typical trainings were held over a weekend, with a Friday night orientation and then a full Saturday and Sunday workshop.  Once a crew had gone through a training, they then would continue their training by volunteering at our monthly pop-up clinics.

Using the Herb Cart Service Manual as our guide to talk through the concepts and then running scenarios to get a feel for the work, we aimed for this training to provide the confidence and know-how for folks to eventually start up clinics and community health projects of their own.  Previous members of the Herb Cart Crew have gone on to create free foot care clinics, herbal clinics, first aid stations and more. 

Herb Cart Training Outline