Collective Happiness Flower

June 2, 2012

Collective Happiness Flower

Collective Happiness Flower
Saturday, June 2, 2012

We could all use a little collective happiness. And here in Atlanta is a tree that delivers that and more! The mimosa tree, or Albizia julibrissin, is known as “Collective Happiness Tree” in the Chinese materia medica. We use both the bark and flower. A very heart based medicine, it is nourishing on many levels, both physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Its recorded history of use dates back hundreds of years in China and was first introduced to America in the 1700’s. Some say it is one of the secret ingredients in Coca-Cola. One of my favorite local herbs, mimosa is an abundant and and effective medicine that is pleasing to all the senses. And now is the perfect time to harvest!

How to identify: The tree has very distinctive leaves and flowers. The leaves are bi-pinnate, which means each leaf has been divided several times, so it more resembles a feather or a fern. The flowers are pink and resemble little fairy dusters (pictured above) and grow in clusters. When the flowers go to seed, they form bean pods, as they are a member of the legume family.

Parts Used: Flowers & Bark
Flowers start blooming in early May and can bloom through July. You can go back and repeatedly harvest the same tree every few days as new flowers are constantly emerging from the flower clusters. I harvest the flower with the stem, and include it in my medicine. To harvest the bark, prune the tree, taking small branches and stripping them. NEVER gird a tree (meaning stripping bark around the trunk, like a belt. That will kill a tree. Give thanks for the medicine.

Mimosa flowers and bark are available in bulk from Chinese herbal shops, but beware of adulteration. The flowers are commonly adulterated with magnolia flowers, even though they look nothing alike!

Nourishes the blood and heart
Unites the heart and the mind
Resolves depression
Indicated for heart induced insomnia (blends well with chamomile)
Quiets the spirit
Calms the mind
Flowers uplift the spirit and Bark anchors the spirit
Resolves long standing grief

Form: Tea, Tincture, or Syrup.

Fresh Blossom Tincture done at a ratio. This means for every ounce of herb by weight you have, you will use 2 oz of alcohol in your extraction. I prefer to do this fresh blossom tincture in pure ethanol (EtOH), such as Golden Grain or an organic equivalent. If you do not have access to that, you can use vodka or brandy. For more complete medicine making instructions, see the worksheets at the Medicine Making page.

Example with EtOH: Place 5 oz of fresh blossoms in a pint sized mason jar. Cover with 10 oz of 95% EtOH (pure alcohol.) Poke out any air bubbles with a chopstick. Top off to the brim with a little additional EtOH and cap. Leave to macerate out of direct sunlight for 2 weeks. Strain through muslin cloth and bottle.

Example with Brandy/Vodka: Place 3 oz of fresh blossoms in a pint sized mason jar. Cover with 6 oz of Brandy or Vodka. This is considered a If blossoms not totally submerged by alcohol, add one more part – another 3 oz of alcohol. Now you have a It is important the herb remain under the level of the alcohol to prevent any issues with spoilage. Cap and place on counter out of direct sunlight. Shake thoroughly everyday for 2 weeks. Strain through muslin cloth and bottle.

Dosage: Variable from a few drops to shift the mood. Or one can dose at higher therapeutic levels up to 1 tsp a couple times a day when working on moderate emotional imbalances. Choose the dose to match the need and energetic circumstance.

Weigh out 2 ounces of fresh, fluffy, pink fairy duster blossoms and pour one pint (16oz) of hot water over them. Cap and steep overnight. Strain out flowers and compost. Mix with 1/2 part honey or sugar. Stir until completely dissolved. Pour into a beautiful bottle and keep refrigerated. Add a splash to sparkling water, champagne, or a mixed drink for a lovely lift. You can also take a tablespoon of syrup, 2 times per day as part of your health program.

Lorna Mauney-Brodek